Called to Hope

3:03 PM FUMCA Revive Worship 0 Comments

Jeremiah is called to a not-so-easy task.  His God-given job is to tell Israel why it is falling apart and why their sinful lives are the cause of this devastation.
But, reminds Pastor Jarrod Johnston, there is always hope.  
Jeremiah 1:4-10 shows us how God says that he will speak His words through Jeremiah, his prophet.  He declares to Jeremiah that He will use his prophet to ‘dig up and pull down, destroy and demolish, build and plant”.  He is with Jeremiah through all of the difficult tasks the prophet must accomplish.  
Hearing God’s voice in our own lives can be a tricky thing.  It can be hard to discern. 
Pastor Jarrod told of a sweet babe who was terribly ill.  Young Joel was diagnosed with brain cancer before his first birthday. For the rest of the young child’s life, God wrapped himself around the family with the church, friends and relatives. These walked through each step of the cancer with Joel’s family – the better days and the very hard ones. Always, they were wrapped in prayer. And even when Joel finally went home to Jesus, God’s love still blanketed Joel’s parents in love.  
When we go through the roughest of times, God is always with us. He was with Jeremiah. He was with little Joel and his family. There is absolutely nothing which can separate us from the love of God. This is where the hope is. And this hope extends through this life into eternity.

-Cindy Norris