One Body

5:00 AM FUMCA Revive Worship 0 Comments

This last Sunday (October 4th) was our first joint worship with La Jornada and Revive, and what a blessing it was.  It helped to define “La Jornada's vision and role within such a large congregation. La Jornada is not a new Church, but rather a service within FUMCA.

One Body, One Church

Note that I state a new service, because we are not even a new ministry and I am not referring to the past “Hispanic ministry”, but to the fact that La Jornada (The Journey) really started the day FUMCA accepted their “One Mile Mission". Since then, and for years, FUMCA has worked with and within the community, and the next logical step was:

“Go therefore and make disciples”
-Matthew 28:19

The challenge FUMCA had was that so few in our congregation spoke Spanish!  Well, God answered that prayer and today we have the right tool for the job. La Jornada, a Spanish service at FUMCA, in the same Spirit committed to the “One Mile Mission”.

One Body, One Church

Julio Casablanca

Julio Casablanca is a leader and member of FUMCA's La Jornada Community. He is a follower of Jesus Christ, utterly in love with his "HOT Wife" and trying hard to be a good dad.